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jeudi 4 octobre 2012

Who Join method in Google Adsense by docstoc

Mesothelioma,Structured settlements,Acne

Today temporarily forget all what عانيته before to try to get Adsense account and carefully read this thread and start everything again, I ask you
To open new Sfjh and forget everything they have done to get Adsense account and do not use any of the old accounts or blogs old, God knows
Almighty that I have no goal of this thread only help my brothers to get at the expense of Google, because I know well the extent of the suffering that they have suffered
For AdSense account, God willing, in this topic I will explain everything I know about Adsense, and I'm not saying I guarantee you Join in AdSense
100% but try to read the topic, succeeded Vmbrok you account and this Okbermkavih me to find anyone of the readers of this thread managed to
Obtain an AdSense account, and if Vosaadk can not, God willing, even already have Adsense account.

Will explain the issue on 9 steps: -

1 - Create email Gmail gmail

2 - Create a site account docstoc

3 - Raising the files on your docstoc

4 - Registration in Google AdSense Google Adsense.

5 - Create a blog on Digg blogger

6 - Add Page Privacy Policy privacy policy

7 - enable ads AdSense Code

8 - Complete Profile your profile in the site docstoc.

9 - to accept and activate AdSense account, God willing.

In the name of God begin to explain

1 - Create email Jiml gmail

- Click on the following link to register and create an email a new gmail Jiml.


- Enter the registration data, and write it in the paper or store in file Tkst, because we will need later and in particular "data first and last name and e-mail address and password" Fill all your data in English, continued microsoft.

- Will send a message to the e-mail that you added in the "current e-mail address" tells you Congratulations been set up e-mail.

You can access e-mail from the home page to Google, and then pressing the log and write e-mail and password, and then will be re-routing back to the Google page

Click on the user name, and select "Account Settings."

Then choose products

Select Gmail

- Will open the e-mail and has messages.

2 - Registration location docstoc.

Docstoc site is a site that allows you to raise your files kind word, power point, PDF and from which you can register in Google
Adsense, in the sense that it will be the mediator between you and Google Adsense in return it will get 50% of the profits topics published by him.

Important Note: docstoc site will get a 50% profits Stervhaa from lift your files and not the whole of your account, meaning that if you
Put your ad code on another site, you will get on net earnings increased by 100% without any spin.

Join explain how Active

- Enter the site by clicking the following link


Click Register to register

Enter the registration data, and do not forget to add Emile Aljimil that you created from a few in the Email box and then click complete Registratin.

Page will open.
And you want to create a new account.

Then select Use my Docstoc email you will find that your email address emerged inside the box.

Fill in the registration data and press "Submit".

- Turn e-mail you will find that it was sent 3 messages letters from docstoc and a message from Google AdSense asking you to register Bhaan via a link within the message, but slowed to I register in Adsense now until you raise a number of files on the site docstoc, find messages like this.

This is the text of a letter Google Adsense and the registration link, but do not you register in AdSense now until they implement the next step
They raise the files on the site docstoc

You are now finished second step is to register at the site docstoc registration application with Google.

Move on to the third step, lifting the files on your site docstoc.

3 - Raising the files on your docstoc.

- Log on to your site docstoc.

Choose from the top bar Upload and select Share Documents.

Select Upload Your Documents then press Select Files

Select the files you want to adjournment and then press Save

Wait until the lift is complete

Write the details of the file then press save and publish as in the picture.

The file was posted.

Publish 50: 100 files to your account and then go to the next step which is Join Google Adsense

Tip: Search in Google for PDF files in formats only in the sense that you want to final results that contain the PDF files only

Example [google adsense filetype: PDF].

4 - Registration in Google Adsense

After raising the number of files on your site docstoc

Directed to your email address and open the Google Adsense message and click on the link inside to register.

But before I advise you to read the registration of these topics.

Before recorded in the Google Adsense.

Correct registry method in Google AdSense.

These are some quick notes

- All data write it in English

- The most important thing is the name of the payee, address, make sure writing the right way

- For the Egyptians: - you can get a postal code postal code to the nearest post office in your area
Through "On Egypt" on the following link: -


- You can go to Google Translate and write your name in Arabic to translate it to English

After pressing the register link inside the message Google AdSense, will open the registration page Fill Me properly

Your account will be approved in principle, to be reviewed the account and final approval.

5 - Create a blog on Digg

To create a free blog on Digg go to the following link and log on by Email Aljimil and password


Type the name displayed and accept the terms and then click Continue.

Select "New Blog."

Select the name of the blog, and make sure the availability of and access to the link, then select the template code, then click on the "Create a blog".

Click start sharing to add new topics to the Code.

Try to add 10: 20 topic in the blog, but try as much as possible to be indigenous and non-منقولين from other sites, you can summarize and reformulate other topics and written in the Code.

Read this topic to help you get exclusive content for your blog

Get Arabic content original and exclusive forums

6 - Add page Privacy Policy Code Digg

To ensure approval of the your account Badsens must provide Page Privacy Policy Code.

For more information about formula Privacy Policy and how to create them, visit the next topic

Explain how to add page privacy policy "Privacy Policy" Blogs Blogger.

7 - enable AdSense ads on your blog

From Control Panel Digg select the "profits".

Then science "yes" in front of "display ads on your blog."

8 - Filled profile My Profile for your site docstoc

Log on to the site docstoc, then click on the user name and select My Profile.

Note that profile profile was not completed to 100% we will try to be traveled to 100%, press Update Profile.

Add your first name and the second just as you add Bemal Aljimil, then Email Aljimil and link code that you have created and, of course, you add 20 + Multi.

Complete data and press "submit".

Complete data until it reaches 100%

Click on the user name again, and then choose the settings

Select Notifications

Informed on all the boxes and press save

Settings have been updated

Wait a day or many days, and open the email Aljimil Stgdersalh final approval on your God willing

You can place the ad code on any site or blog is contrary to AdSense.

I am sorry for prolongation.

The God willing Pttbaiqk this steps on your account will be approved as soon God willing

Any questions or inquiries do not hesitate a moment to put

Was all praise to Allah Almighty,

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